
Lottsfeldt Strategies provides critical insight, guidance and advocacy on local, state and federal policy issues. As an effective lobbying firm, we start by simply listening. Then we analyze your challenges and develop an in-depth, thoughtful approach to move you successfully toward your goals.
  • Federal Grass Tops

    We understand what makes our Alaska and Oregon congressional delegations tick. Each member of Congress has their own priorities, and we are good at creating “issue ambassadors” to get your issue noticed by Federal lawmakers. We implement Grass Top programs that create multiple contacts with Senators and Congress members, as well as with their staffs. We hand-selected key members of an office holders’ inner circle, train them on the issue, and deploy the contact so it's both authentic and organic.
  • State & Local Lobbying

    State legislatures and City Halls are places where Jim Lottsfeldt and his associates can be found pushing legislation, or fighting bad bills. They represent a wide range of interests and work hard for their clients during the legislative session, and the interim. We work year round with legislators and city council members to move issues forward.

Lottsfeldt Strategies Lobbying

Applying Our Skills to Your Needs

Every client comes to Lottsfeldt with specific and unique needs. Working with you, we create a strategy tailored to produce tangible results and bolster your legislative efforts. We fully customize our service to each client based on their needs and desires.

  • Developing a client specific and clearly defined legislative, administrative or public policy strategy
  • Quickly building coalitions and/or partnerships with all interested parties to create a strong and proactive strategy
  • Building and enhancing client profiles through legislative advocacy days
  • Strategically coordinating all lobbying meetings at the State Capitol, in key legislative districts with committee chairs and members, and with administrative officials
  • Creating legislative letters and background materials on behalf of our clients
  • Preparing written reports and oral updates on legislative activities
  • Ensuring accurate and appropriate preparation and tight execution of testimony at legislative hearings, press conferences or other public testimony opportunities—including conducting mock sessions for preparation
  • Creating an ongoing professional network by inviting clients to all events hosted by Political Solutions, including nonprofit events
  • Providing advice, direction and strategic planning during statewide and legislative elections

"From local issues to the thorny issues of the Alaska Legislature, Jim Lottsfeldt is a deft inside player that gets things accomplished."

Art HackneyRepublican consultant

Straight Talk

Our clients benefit the most from our relentless honesty and our understanding of what it takes to create the changes you need. You may not always like what we tell you, but we believe you benefit most from no-nonsense assessments with realistic expectations. By calling it as we see it, we give you a practical view of the opportunities and obstacles in your path.

We say what we do, and do what we say. And we work hard. That simple, yet profound statement means a great deal to our clients. They know we earn our fee daily by delivering their messages to the people who matter. Rather than measuring our success by the lobbying industry’s standard of income, we measure our performance by the amount of favorable impact achieved for our clients. We work with our clients to evaluate our progress toward reaching clients’ strategic plan milestones, fine tuning our approach, and setting new targets. If you want to know how well we’re doing, just ask our clients.

Critical Insight, Guidance & Advocacy

Lottsfeldt Strategies provides critical insight, guidance and advocacy on local, state and federal policy issues. As an effective lobbying firm, we start by simply listening. Then we analyze your challenge and develop an in-depth, thoughtful approach to move you successfully toward your goals.

Our bi-partisan network of statewide and federal contacts, gives Lottsfeldt Strategies the ability to execute government relations solutions for our clients like no other firm in Alaska.

Lobbying U.S. Senators Sen. Ron Wyden, Jim Lottsfeldt, Sen. Mark Begich

Government Affairs

Lottsfeldt Strategies specializes in lobbying government officials, which includes researching, monitoring and reporting on all legislative activities. From Legislative lobbying to Governors and Super Pacs, we can help on both state and federal levels.

Public Relations

Lottsfeldt Strategies has extensive experience working with multiple associations to increase membership, create giving programs, and organize public events, such as meetings and press conferences.

Advocacy & Training

Lottsfeldt Strategies builds, organizes and manages grassroots campaigns by arranging editorial board meetings, press conferences, writing and preparing speech outlines, media support materials, brochures and public information packets.

Bipartisanship is Still Alive

In today’s political climate, a bipartisan firm offers clients the best opportunity to be seen and heard. Our diverse political beliefs and team approach to client representation ensures that your message is delivered to Democrats and Republicans alike with equal attention and equal impact.

We are proud to state that we work with both sides of the aisles. We believe that no party has an exclusive on wisdom. Republican, Democratic and Independent legislators get our attention, and we hone in on key decision makers on any particular issue without regard to party affiliation.

Let's Talk Lobbying

Our bi-partisan network of statewide and federal contacts, gives Lottsfeldt Strategies the ability to execute government relations solutions for our clients like no other firm in Alaska.  Get in Touch